Sardinia Beach Apartments was born from the idea of some local entrepreneurs and from the need to satisfy the touristic request of the west zone of the Alta Gallura. Especially in Aglientu City Council, locality Vignola Mare, inside of the compound “Residence Mirice”. Sardinia Beach Apartments is located in the heart of Gallura, in Aglientu City Council, about 50 minutes away from Olbia by car. The coastline towards Stintino (pushing up until Alghero) and towards Santa Teresa Gallura (moving forward to Costa Smeralda) deserves to be seen; all that is offered by the 23 km of coast of Aglientu’s City Council can be resumed in one word: PARADISE, name resulting from the near coast and the barren lands that characterises them. The near Aglientu as well (famous for its festivals) rises upon a territory dominated by the distinguishing granitic heights that alternate themselves, in an incessant game of shapes and colours, with hills and green valleys which extend themselves to and to the most known Tempio Pausania.
COME ARRIVARE DA PORTO TORRES (80 km): – Percorrere la strada provinciale N°90 P.To Torres – Santa Teresa di Gallura – Dopo circa 25 km, 8 km prima di Castelsardo (non dovete entrare), girate a destra e seguire le indicazioni Santa Teresa di Gallura. – A questo punto dopo aver percorso circa 55 km trovate l’incrocio per Vignola Mare girate a destra e dopo 100 mt. a sinistra. COME ARRIVARE DA OLBIA e GOLFO ARANCI (60 km): – Percorrere la SS 125 Olbia – Arzachena. – Ad Arzachena al semaforo girare a sinistra. – Dopo circa 3 km girare a destra per Luogosanto. – 1 km dopo Luogosanto all’incrocio girare a sinistra e dopo 500 mt girare a destra per Aglientu. – Dopo Aglientu proseguire per 9 Km e 100 mt. prima dell’incrocio per Santa Teresa di Gallura girate a destra. COME ARRIVARE DA PALAU (30 km): – Percorrere la SS 133 Olbia – Santa Teresa di Gallura. – Prima dell’ingresso nel centro abitato di Santa Teresa di Gallura, girate a sinistra direzione Castelsardo. – Dopo circa 15 Km trovate l’incrocio per Vignola Mare girate a sinistra e dopo 100 mt. a sinistra.